
Jeffrey J. Kosowsky wrote on 2009-12-18 15:36:48 -0500 [Re: [BackupPC-users] 
Unexpected call?BackupPC::Xfer::RsyncFileIO->unlink(...)]:
> Jeffrey J. Kosowsky wrote at about 13:11:37 -0500 on Monday, November 2, 2009:
>  > Unexpected call 
> BackupPC::Xfer::RsyncFileIO->unlink(cygwin/usr/share/man/man3/addnwstr.3x.gz)
>  > 
>  > [...]
>  > 
>  > Note from the below quoted thread from 2005, Craig claims that the error is
>  > benign, but doesn't explain how/why.
> [...]
> I am curious about what could be causing this situation [...]

if you're curious about what is causing a benign warning message, you're
probably on your own for the most part. I can supply you with one casual
observation and one tip:

I think I saw that warning when I changed from tar to rsync XferMethod. As you
know, tar and rsync encode the file type "plain file" differently in attrib
files (rsync has a bit for it, tar (like stat()) doesn't and simply takes the
absense of a bit for a special file type to mean "plain file"). When rsync
compares remote and local file type (remote from remote rsync instance, local
from attrib file generated by tar XferMethod), it assumes a plain file changed
its type, so it removes the local copy (if that sounds strange, remember that
File::RsyncP mimics plain rsync, which *would* delete the local file; with
BackupPC's storage backend, that doesn't make sense, hence the warning) and
transfers the remote file without a local copy to compare to. Or something
like that.

If you want to know more, look at where the source code generates the warning
message (well, that's stated *in* the warning message) and where that code is
called from (presumably File::RsyncP) and in which circumstances.

Good luck. Since you asked, don't forget to report back ;-).


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