>-----Original Message-----
>From: Timothy Murphy [mailto:gayle...@eircom.net]
>Sent: Monday, January 25, 2010 4:21 AM
>To: backuppc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>Subject: [BackupPC-users] "Unable to read 4 bytes" - most useless error
>Is there anywhere a worse error message
>than "Unable to read 4 bytes"?
>If it sometimes changed, say "Unable to read 13 bytes",
>that might at least convey some information.

I had that error too a week ago while setting up BackupPC, and googled it.
>From there I found out that there was a problem with the rsa-key and/or
something related to that.

Common sense says (I'm guessing now 8-} ) that if something is difficult to
understand or "useless", then go google it anf find more information. Right?

Although I tend to agree with you, "unable to read 4 bytes" is rather
cryptic. ;-)

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