Trey Nolen wrote:

> We've been using Backuppc for years to backup machines over the WAN.  It
> has worked nearly flawlessly for us in the past, but we are starting to
> see issues with new machines that we bring online.  I think the trouble
> may have to do with the recent updates to Cygwin.
> When backing up remote Windows machines over a WAN, we setup a
> persistent tunnel using autossh and then backup to localhost on some
> port which is redirected to rsync on the remote server.   Here is a
> typical example:
> /usr/lib/autossh/autossh -2 -N -M 38022 -L 9035:localhost:873 -C
> &
> In our, we will have some lines like these:
> $Conf{XferMethod}='rsyncd';
> $Conf{ClientNameAlias} = localhost;
> $Conf{RsyncdClientPort} = 9035;
> Now, our issue lately is that the tunnels always seem to be dropping.
> We get errors like this:
> Warning: remote port forwarding failed for listen port 38022
> That invariably restarts the ssh tunnel, which drops any active rsync.
> We've tried with other commands like this:
> /usr/lib/autossh/autossh -o "ServerAliveInterval 59" -o
> "ServerAliveCountMax 20" -2 -N -M 0 -L 9035:localhost:873 -C
> &
> But these fail as well.   We are also seeing a build up of 10's to 100's
> of sshd.exe and rsync.exe processes on the remote machines which is
> bringing them to a crawl.
> Does anyone have any ideas of ways we can change what we are doing with
> the new Cygwin that will help?   Is there a way to install the old
> Cygwin?
> One other thing: we have been replacing the rsync.exe that comes with
> the new Cygwin with an older one that uses protocol 28.  We did that
> because 1) that is the highest protocol the rsync perl module supports,
> and 2) the newer Cygwin rsync seems to leave .pid files laying around
> when the server is rebooted, and subsequently won't restart until you
> delete the .pid.
> Thanks.
> Trey Nolen

try "netstat --tcp -pl --numeric-ports | grep 38022" on your BackupPC
If there is a output like:
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN     
32284/sshd: backupp
tcp6       0      0 ::1:38022               :::*                    LISTEN     
32284/sshd: backupp

Just kill the process 32284 and your client should connect immediatly.

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