On Tue, Feb 09, 2010 at 11:16:02AM -0800, Colin Blower wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I was hoping for a solution to my latest problem and also advice on my
> general backup. My latest problem is the backup seems to be running,
> but stalled.

Which version of BackupPC are you running?
> I see the ssh process on the server and the rsync process on the
> client, but in the web interface the Xfer PID has only one PID. It has
> been this way for ~12 hours.
> Background: I am in the process of backing up a very large (~1TB,
> maybe 12million files?) filesystem using backuppc. It is a linux setup
> using rsync. Originally the RsyncShareName was '/home', but that back
> up failed to transfer any files after an Out of Memory error and the
> server killed the backup process.
> I split up the RsyncShareName into
> '/home/aa','/home/ab',...,'/home/zy',/home/zz'. Ran another backup,
> ran into a filename too long error and removed that weird directory
> from the client.
> The latest backup has been running for 24 hours, but for the last 12
> has been stuck on /home/hm. This directory is one of the empty
> directories and should not take more than a second to complete.

Can you do an lsof on the client rsync? File descriptor 3 should be
the file in the share you are currently processing. Also maybe do an
strace as well to see if it's moving data or not? If it stuck in a
select loop and never issuing reads/writes I claim it's deadlocked and
needs to be killed.

> Could this be related to the ~400 zombie processes this backup has
> created?

Unlikely. However I was hoping that the zombie issue would be fixed in
BackupPC by now.

> Also, if i were to stop this full backup, should i try again
> with another full or an incremental ? ( i have no full backups in
> backuppc )

A full. If you abort what you currently have transferred should be
kept as a partial backup and the next full will reuse the files to get
a complete full backup that you can use. I have had to run 4 or 5 full
backups to get a base full backup that I could use on some of the
larger partitions.

                                -- rouilj

John Rouillard       System Administrator
Renesys Corporation  603-244-9084 (cell)  603-643-9300 x 111

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