Would be cool to get the BackupPC TopDir on an encrypted container so I could 
backup machines that are running an encrypted OS. 

I found out that dm_crypt can be used between a loop mounted FS container to 
encrypt all the data in that container, there's just one problem, the size of 
the container isn't dynamic. So as the backup space requirements change you 
would need to manually shrink and grow the container and the filesystem in it. 
I don't want that.

The only dynamic crypto container solution I found was EncFS, it seems to be 
the perfect tool for the job. I tried and tried and tried on my Debian Lenny 
but I just couldn't get the TopDir to work on an EncFS mount residing on an 
ext3 partition. 

EncFS has a command line argument '--public' that is supposed to make the mount 
act as a normal multiuser mount, well it doesn't work. My backuppc user gets 
Permission Denied when trying to create new files. And I've checked that the 
filesystem permissions allowed writing for user backuppc.

Now when I do the default EncFS single user mount while logged in as user 
backuppc, the BackupPC 3.1.0 daemon starts all happy, but the WebUI refuses to 
connect to the daemon for some reason.

Has anyone got EncFS to work with BackupPC? Are there any other solutions I 
might wanna consider?

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