On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 9:53 AM, Timothy J Massey <tmas...@obscorp.com> wrote:
> Mike Bydalek <mbyda...@compunetconsulting.com> wrote on 02/19/2010
> 11:28:25 AM:
>> Thanks for all the input.  I'm starting to fully understand how
>> BackupPC scheduling is working now.  My apologies for not stating that
>> I was/am using rsync as it is the only choice that makes sense =)
> In which case, after your first (potentially very long) full backup, the
> rest of the system should work very well.  Caveats:  how big are the files
> that are changing (given an equal number of files changing per day, small
> files are easier than large files), and how much total data changes on a
> daily basis.
> If you're making gigabytes of changes per day, nothing will help you:
> you'll be limited by the bandwidth.  If you're making small changes but to
> very large files, you will have to hash the entire file of each of these
> files, and disk performance on *both* ends will be the limiting factor.
> Also, your incrementals will likely be almost as long as your fulls.
> But if you're making a relatively small number of changes to a relatively
> small number of relatively small files (such as your typical office file
> server), BackupPC will work outstandingly.
> This is not to seem that BackupPC is somehow limited.  It's not:  I run it
> on all *kinds* of servers.  But you have to be aware of the limitations.
> *Lots* of files (such as a large mail server that stores each e-mail in
> its own file), very large files that change every day (such as mail
> servers with a monolithic datastore (yes, Exchange, I'm looking at
> *you*)), or simply lots of new data generated daily (things like HPC
> clusters that create *gigabytes* of new data daily) will require special
> attention, design and tuning.
> Tim Massey


You're absolutely right.  I've been rdiff-backup for years, but was
looking for something with a nice GUI frontend to help with restores.
Not a fan of having to restore a single file when the wife
accidentally over-wrote something ;)


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