>-----Original Message-----
>From: Sorin Srbu [mailto:sorin.s...@orgfarm.uu.se]
>Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 9:56 AM
>To: 'General list for user discussion, questions and support'
>Subject: Re: [BackupPC-users] Trouble setting up backup to a Windows host
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Les Mikesell [mailto:lesmikes...@gmail.com]
>>Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 4:04 PM
>>To: backuppc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>>Subject: Re: [BackupPC-users] Trouble setting up backup to a Windows host
>>Are you confusing rsync and rsyncd?  With rsync, you start the remote
>>rsync via ssh and it sees the whole remote filesystem from the
>>perspective of a remote user.  You can test access from the backuppc
>>server with a command line like 'rsync -av u...@host:/path'  If you
>>don't specify a destination, you should see a directory listing (and
>>current versions have an implied -essh argument). With rsyncd, the
>>program is run as a daemon/service and only the paths explicitly
>>mentioned in rsyncd.conf are exposed by their module names.  You can
>>test this with a command like 'rsync -av host::module'  (note double colon).

An unexpected turn of events! I googled for a different ssh-server for Windows 
that does not rely on Cygwin, and came up with something called MobaSSH. 
MobaSSH does however rely on Cygwin anyway, but seems to be working properly 
in my environment. In any case, I installed the Professional-demo, able to 
install and run on a Win2k3 Server-machine (the free Home version only works 
on non-Windows Server-machines). The service seems to be running properly so 

* The rsync test works, I get a file list. See attached txt-file for output.

* The passwordless login from my BPC-server also works. See attached txt-file 
for output.

* Added the Win-server to BPC as a host using rsync, but I get the dreaded 
"Unable to read 4 bytes" error message. See attached txt-file for output.

I thought the "Unable to read 4 bytes"-message was because the the 
passwordless login wasn't setup properly, or not set up at all. What else 
could it choke on and give this message?

Any answers are appreciated!
r...@mach012 /bak/ [0]# rsync -av r...@xxx.yyy.zzz.nnn:/cygdrive/e/users
receiving file list ... rsync: 
file has vanished: 
seminarier/20090211/Inl\#344sning/(1988 Andersson) Synthesis of \#337-arylvinyl 
ethers by palladium-catalyzed reaction of aroyl chlorides with vinyl ethers.pdf"
seminarier/Avd seminarie VT2010/10.1006_jcht.2001.0837 2001 WILKEN Experimental 
determination of oxygen and nitrogen solubility in organic solvents up to 10 
MPa at temperatures between 298 K and 398 K.pdf") failed: File name too long 


r...@mach012 /bak/ [0]# ssh r...@xxx.yyy.zzz.nnn

  |                         MobaSSH Professional v1.12                       |
  |              (SSH server for Win32 based on Cygwin/OpenSSH)              |
  |                                                                          |
  |   Important                                                              |
  |   - Your computer drives are accessible through the /cygdrive directory  |
  |   - Network shares are accessible by typing //<remote_computer>          |
  |   - The Windows registry is browsable through the /registry path         |
  |                                                                          |
  |   Useful commands                                                        |
  |   - MobaHwInfo: detailed information about OS and hardware               |
  |   - MobaSwInfo: installed programs list                                  |
  |   - MobaTaskList, MobaKillTask: list/kill Windows tasks                  |
  |   - TCPCapture: Network packets and ports monitoring tool                |
  |   - scp, sftp: transfer files through the crypted ssh connexion          |
  |   - nedit, vim: text editors with syntax highlighting                    |
  |   - rsync, wget: sync local directories with network computers           |
  |                                                                          |
  |  This version is a 30-day demo for evaluation purposes                   |
  |  For more information, visit: http://mobassh.mobatek.net/versions.php    |

[Fri Mar 26 - 11:55:35] ~
[root.starforge2] $ ll
drwx------    5 ???????? None            0 Mar 16 14:32 Application Data
drwx------    2 ???????? None            0 Mar 24 14:09 Cookies
drwx------    2 ???????? None            0 Mar 25 13:47 Desktop
drwx------    4 ???????? None            0 Mar 16 14:32 Favorites
drwx------    2 ???????? None            0 Nov 26 09:38 IETldCache
drwx------    6 ???????? None            0 Nov 25 15:30 Local Settings
drwx------    2 ???????? None            0 Mar 16 14:32 My Documents
-rwx------    1 ???????? None       786432 Mar 26 08:31 NTUSER.DAT
drwx------    2 ???????? None            0 Nov 25 15:30 NetHood
drwx------    2 ???????? None            0 Nov 25 15:30 PrintHood
drwx------    2 ???????? None            0 Mar 24 14:09 PrivacIE
drwx------    2 ???????? None            0 Mar 16 14:32 Recent
drwx------    2 ???????? None            0 Mar 16 14:32 SendTo
drwx------    3 ???????? None            0 Nov 28 08:01 Start Menu
-rwx------    1 ???????? None            0 Nov 25 15:33 Sti_Trace.log
drwx------    2 ???????? None            0 Nov 25 15:30 Templates
-rwxrwx---    1 ???????? SYSTEM       1024 Mar 26 11:25 ntuser.dat.LOG
-rwxrwx---    1 ???????? SYSTEM        178 Mar 26 08:31 ntuser.ini

[Fri Mar 26 - 12:03:20] ~
[root.starforge2] $


full backup started for directory /cygdrive/e/users/
Running: /usr/bin/ssh -q -x -l root xxx.yyy.zzz.nnn /usr/bin/rsync --server 
--sender --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --links --hard-links --times 
--block-size=2048 --recursive --ignore-times . /cygdrive/e/users/
Xfer PIDs are now 11480
Read EOF: Connection reset by peer
Tried again: got 0 bytes
Done: 0 files, 0 bytes
Got fatal error during xfer (Unable to read 4 bytes)
Backup aborted (Unable to read 4 bytes)
Not saving this as a partial backup since it has fewer files than the prior one 
(got 0 and 0 files versus 0)

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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