I just spent the better part of a couple of days trying to figure this
out, so I thought I'd write it up in case it can help someone else. As
is often the case, it ended up being fairly trivial, but not immediately
obvious where the problem was. After adding a new machine (Windows 7,
although I don't think it matters), I was getting errors of the
following sort:

2010-03-30 17:27:18 full backup started for directory
2010-03-30 17:27:18 Got fatal error during xfer (auth required, but 
service  is open/insecure)
2010-03-30 17:27:23 Backup aborted (auth required, but service  is 

I wasted a lot of time checking the configuration of the remote PC, when
the issue was actually on the server. The <host>.pl file that specifies
the configuration and what directories are backed up was owned by root,
and not by the backuppc user. Because of this, backuppc could not read
the configuration or access the username and password for the
connection. It's easy to fix with the following command (on Ubuntu,
assuming backuppc is the correct user for the backup process, and
replacing <host> with the correct hostname for the remote PC). I also
suspect that the hostname must be all lowercase, because after I tried
that, the errors I became slightly more useful (auth failed on module

$sudo chown backuppc <host>.pl


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