
I can't figure out a problem on my backuppc server.

I've one of the hosts that run with vista os. Every time I try to realize a
full backup, it fail.

This is the delatcopy conf file :


    path = /cygdrive/c/
    comment = 
    read only = false
    auth users = backuppc
    secrets file = /cygdrive/c/DeltaCopy/secrets/Users.secret

This is the host conf.pl :

$Conf{RsyncShareName} = [
$Conf{RsyncdPasswd} = 'XXXXXXXX';
$Conf{RsyncdUserName} = 'backuppc';
$Conf{XferMethod} = 'rsyncd';
$Conf{BackupsDisable} = 0;
$Conf{EMailAdminUserName} = 'xxxxx...@xxxxxxxx.xx';
$Conf{ClientCharsetLegacy} = 'cp1252';
$Conf{ClientTimeout} = 177000;
$Conf{EMailFromUserName} = 'xxxxx...@xxxxxxxx.xx';
$Conf{BackupFilesExclude} = {
  #Windows 7/Vista specific!
  '*' => [
        #7/Vista junction points
        '/Documents and Settings',
        '/Program Files/Fichiers communs',
        '/Program Files/Windows NT/Accessoires',
        '/ProgramData/Application Data',
        '/ProgramData/Start Menu',
        '/ProgramData/Menu Démarrer',
        '/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programmes',
        '/Users/All Users',
        '/Users/Default User',
        '/Users/All Users/Application Data',
        '/Users/All Users/Desktop',
        '/Users/All Users/Bureau',
        '/Users/All Users/Documents',
        '/Users/All Users/Favorites',
        '/Users/All Users/Favoris',
        '/Users/All Users/Start Menu',
        '/Users/All Users/Menu Démarrer',
        '/Users/All Users/Templates',
        '/Users/All Users/Modèles',
        '/Users/All Users/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programmes',

        #Junction points common to every user profile
        '/Users/*/Application Data',
        '/Users/*/Local Settings',
        '/Users/*/My Documents',
        '/Users/*/Mes documents',
        '/Users/*/Voisinage réseau',
        '/Users/*/Voisinage d\'impression',
        '/Users/*/Start Menu',
        '/Users/*/Menu Démarrer',
        '/Users/*/AppData/Local/Application Data',
        '/Users/*/AppData/Local/Temporary Internet Files',
        '/Users/*/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programmes',
        '/Users/*/Documents/My Music',
        '/Users/*/Documents/Ma musique',
        '/Users/*/Documents/My Pictures',
        '/Users/*/Documents/Mes images',
        '/Users/*/Documents/My Videos',
        '/Users/*/Documents/Mes vidéos',

        #Temporary and in-use user data
        '/Users/*/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Temporary Internet Files',
        '/Users/*/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows Defender/FileTracker',
        '/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows Defender',

        #Installation folders and system data
        '/Program Files',
        '/System Volume Information',

And this is the error log output : 

full backup started for directory Users
Connected to pc-de-guillaume:873, remote version 30
Negotiated protocol version 28
Connected to module Users
Sending args: --server --sender --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D
--links --hard-links --times --block-size=2048 --recursive --ignore-times .
Sent exclude: /Documents and Settings
Sent exclude: /Program Files/Fichiers communs
Sent exclude: /Program Files/Windows NT/Accessoires
Sent exclude: /Bureau
Sent exclude: /Desktop
Sent exclude: /ProgramData/Application Data
Sent exclude: /ProgramData/Desktop
Sent exclude: /ProgramData/Bureau
Sent exclude: /ProgramData/Documents
Sent exclude: /ProgramData/Favorites
Sent exclude: /ProgramData/Favoris
Sent exclude: /ProgramData/Start Menu
Sent exclude: /ProgramData/Menu Démarrer
Sent exclude: /ProgramData/Templates
Sent exclude: /ProgramData/Modèles
Sent exclude: /ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programmes
Sent exclude: /Users/All Users
Sent exclude: /Users/Default User
Sent exclude: /Users/All Users/Application Data
Sent exclude: /Users/All Users/Desktop
Sent exclude: /Users/All Users/Bureau
Sent exclude: /Users/All Users/Documents
Sent exclude: /Users/All Users/Favorites
Sent exclude: /Users/All Users/Favoris
Sent exclude: /Users/All Users/Start Menu
Sent exclude: /Users/All Users/Menu Démarrer
Sent exclude: /Users/All Users/Templates
Sent exclude: /Users/All Users/Modèles
Sent exclude: /Users/All Users/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programmes
Sent exclude: /Users/*/Application Data
Sent exclude: /Users/*/Cookies
Sent exclude: /Users/*/Local Settings
Sent exclude: /Users/*/My Documents
Sent exclude: /Users/*/Mes documents
Sent exclude: /Users/*/NetHood
Sent exclude: /Users/*/Voisinage réseau
Sent exclude: /Users/*/PrintHood
Sent exclude: /Users/*/Voisinage d'impression
Sent exclude: /Users/*/Recent
Sent exclude: /Users/*/SendTo
Sent exclude: /Users/*/Start Menu
Sent exclude: /Users/*/Menu Démarrer
Sent exclude: /Users/*/Templates
Sent exclude: /Users/*/Modèles
Sent exclude: /Users/*/AppData/Local/Application Data
Sent exclude: /Users/*/AppData/Local/History
Sent exclude: /Users/*/AppData/Local/Historique
Sent exclude: /Users/*/AppData/Local/Temporary Internet Files
Sent exclude: /Users/*/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/Start
Sent exclude: /Users/*/Documents/My Music
Sent exclude: /Users/*/Documents/Ma musique
Sent exclude: /Users/*/Documents/My Pictures
Sent exclude: /Users/*/Documents/Mes images
Sent exclude: /Users/*/Documents/My Videos
Sent exclude: /Users/*/Documents/Mes vidéos
Sent exclude: /Users/*/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Temporary Internet
Sent exclude: /Users/*/AppData/Local/Temp
Sent exclude: /Users/*/NTUSER.DAT*
Sent exclude: /Users/*/ntuser.dat*
Sent exclude: /Users/*/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/UsrClass.dat*
Sent exclude: /Users/*/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows Defender/FileTracker
Sent exclude:
Sent exclude: /Users/*/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/WER
Sent exclude: /Users/*/AppData/Local/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/*/Cache
Sent exclude: /Users/*/AppData/Local/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/*/OfflineCache
Sent exclude: /Users/*/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/Cookies
Sent exclude: /Users/*/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/Recent
Sent exclude: /ProgramData/Microsoft/Search
Sent exclude: /ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows Defender
Sent exclude: *.lock
Sent exclude: Thumbs.db
Sent exclude: IconCache.db
Sent exclude: Cache*
Sent exclude: cache*
Sent exclude: /Program Files
Sent exclude: /Windows
Sent exclude: /$Recycle.Bin
Sent exclude: /MSOCache
Sent exclude: /System Volume Information
Sent exclude: /Boot
Sent exclude: autoexec.bat
Sent exclude: bootmgr
Sent exclude: BOOTSECT.BAK
Sent exclude: config.sys
Sent exclude: hiberfil.sys
Sent exclude: pagefile.sys
Remote[1]: cannot send long-named file
98496772B}-v16-Do" (in Users)
Xfer PIDs are now 1269
[ 1076 lignes sautées ]
Can't write 32780 bytes to socket
Read EOF: Connexion ré-initialisée par le correspondant
Tried again: got 0 bytes
finish: removing in-process file
Child is aborting
Done: 1034 files, 203658772 bytes
Got fatal error during xfer (aborted by signal=PIPE)
Backup aborted by user signal
Not saving this as a partial backup since it has fewer files than the prior
one (got 1034 and 1034 files versus 172611)

I try to remove junction points of vista to overide long file name problem
but it still occur...



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