On 7/27/2010 1:46 PM, Frank J. Gómez wrote:
> I have a new instance set up, and BackupPC is not initiating backups
> because pings keep failing.  The behavior is really quite strange;
> please read on:
> "nmblookup vostro1400" gives me  This is correct.
> "nmblookup -A" gives me vostro1400.  This, too, is correct.
> My config file tells me: $Conf{PingCmd} = '$pingPath -c 1 $host';
> The command "ping -c 1 vostro1400" gives:
>     PING vostro1400 ( 56(84) bytes of data.
>     --- vostro1400 ping statistics ---
>     1 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 0ms
> What's up with that crazy IP address?  Why isn't ping resolving
> vostro1400 to  (Shouldn't we be pinging the IP address
> instead of the hostname, anyway?)
> Any insight would be much appreciated.

That IP address is what a DNS lookup returns, so it depends on your dns 
server and domain search list (as configured on the backuppc server).  I 
thought it would use nmblookup if you checked the dhcp box in the 
backuppc hosts config.  If it is a static IP, you can use the 
ClientAlias setting to supply the IP if DNS doesn't work.

   Les Mikesell

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