On 9/22/2010 4:34 AM, IvyAlice wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> Using rsyncd method, I tried tu backup all the /etc directory
> On the client, in /etc/rsyncd.conf I got
> -----------------------------------
> …include from = /etc/rsyncd.backupETC.include
> -----------------------------------
> And in the /etc/rsyncd.backupETC.include I just have
> -----------------------------------
> /etc/***
> -----------------------------------
> So in my backups, I thought I see all the datas. But when I go to the 
> /etc/pam.d or in the /etc/vim directory, I got no files even thought the 
> files exists on the machines I backed up.
> So some files missing, but the log show no error, and worst, in the 
> XferLOG.x.z I see the missing files
> -----------------------------------
>    create d 755       0/0        4096 etc/pam.d
>    create   644       0/0         182 etc/pam.d/atd
>    create   644       0/0         384 etc/pam.d/chfn
>    create   644       0/0         581 etc/pam.d/chsh
>    create   644       0/0         392 etc/pam.d/common-account
>    create   644       0/0         436 etc/pam.d/common-auth
>    create   644       0/0        1212 etc/pam.d/common-password
> ect..
> -----------------------------------
> I really don’t understand why some sub-directory are void.
> What can I test now ?

First, since that looks like a unix-like target, is there some reason 
you don't want to use rsync over ssh instead of configuring rsyncd?

You can test if the problem is your rsyncd config by running a stock 
rsync against it like:
rsync -av  host::module
(note the double :'s).  If you don't give a destination you should see a 
directory listing of the files - or you can add a local target directory 
to copy to.  If all you want is /etc you could just have a module with 
that as the path and omit any include/excludes.

   Les Mikesell

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