On Fri, Oct 01, 2010 at 09:39:49AM -0500, Wayne Walker wrote:
> BackupPC uses rsync as a transport.  Does it use any of rsync's smarts
> to prevent downloading unchanged files?  If I run 2 full backups back
> to back, does it pull the entire 90 GB both times?
> Currently I use this (scripted) and nightly fulls are only 1 GB of traffic
> (for 90 GB of data) :
> SRC=20100929-230002 && TGT=20100930-230001 && \
> cd /data/backup && \
> cp -al $SRC/. $TGT && rsync -avPHxz --bwlimit 500 --delete 
> backup.axzas.com:/data/backup/$TGT/.  /data/backup/$TGT/.
> Is there a way to get BackupPC to do something similar (in that it
> doesn't download unchanged files).
> I ask this because I'm importing my existing full backups from the above
> system and it's taking roughly 10 hours for each full.  The data is on
> LOCAL sata drives, old backups on a mirror, BackupPC data on a RAID 5.
> BackupPC is reporting speeds of 1.5 to 3 MB / sec.  I'd expect speeds
> closer to 50 MB/sec and I would not expect to pull unchanged files.

I've verified that the RAID 5 will write a sustained 75 MB/sec, 


Wayne Walker
(512) 633-8076
Senior Consultant
Solid Constructs, LLC

Start uncovering the many advantages of virtual appliances
and start using them to simplify application deployment and
accelerate your shift to cloud computing.
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