On 10/7/2010 10:55 AM, Dan Pritts wrote:
> I agree with your general praise, BackupPC works very well for us in our 
> environment, which is maybe half your size.  Due to your large size, I'll 
> leave you with one thought:
> One concern I've always had with backuppc is what would happen if i had a 
> disaster and had to restore everything from backuppc.
> It would take absolutely forever to do this, because backuppc has to seek the 
> disks so much (due to the effects of all those hard links).
> I haven't done enough testing of this.
> We do send copies of our backuppc drives offsite.  I've always assumed that 
> if i had to restore, the first thing I'd do would be duplicate the drives a 
> couple times so I could do multiple restores in parallel.

If you are concerned about this, you might use the archive host setup or 
just script BackupPC_tarCreate runs to generate tar images that could be 
used directly for some of the most critical machines, offloading the 
restore work.

   Les Mikesell

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