
I have several questions regarding backing up over a wireless lan.
This started as a specific question, but I am going to do a brain
dump, because I'm not sure what is interrelated. I beg your
indulgence. :)

 To give some background, I have a Nokia N810 and a Nokia N900. Both
devices are Linux, running Maemo, a derivative of Debian, so all of
the tools are available (e.g. ssh, rsync, tar). They are connected (at
least part of the time) to my wireless LAN on the DMZ of my firewall.
My backuppc machine resides on the inside zone. Machines from the
inside can get to the DMZ without restrictions, and since I have an
established rule, the backup can proceed.

However, when I tried to back up the N810, it ultimately failed with a
signal=PIPE. I am not sure how long the job ran, but I do know I had
to reset my wireless router (Linksys WRT54GL running OpenWRT). I added
a ClientTimeout of 72000 just to be sure.

So here are a few questions:

* On the N810, the internal flash is relatively small (2GB). So for
media files, which live under /home/user/MyDocs/, I created a symlink
to the 16GB microSD card, /media/mmc1/user/MyDocs. Obviously, I don't
want to back up the content in this directory twice. Does backuppc
follow symlinks during the backup?

* In a related question, I want to exclude the media files (e.g.
podcasts and videos) that live in /media/mmc1/MyDocs/.sounds and
.videos. The exclude I include in the configuration looks like:

$Conf{BackupFilesExclude} = {
  '*' => [

Do I need to exclude both home/user/Mydocs/.sounds and
media/mmc1/MyDocs/.sounds (and .videos) or will one or the other work?

* Finally, is there a way to throttle a backup?


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