On Tue, Nov 09, 2010 at 04:11:15PM +0100, Boniforti Flavio wrote:
> Hello Pavel.
> > for huge dirs with millions of files we got almost an order of
> > magnitude faster runs with the tar mode instead of rsync (which
> > eventually consumed all the memory anyways :) )
> How would I be able to use tar over a remote DSL connection?

Well, by hand you'd do:

ssh host 'tar -czvf - /dir' >/backups/foo.tgz

BackupPC's tar method seems to be over ssh by default; just set up a
passwordless root key and you should be fine.

20GB over DSL is going to take many days, though, no matter what you

Note that once the initial backup is run you almost certainly do
*not* want tar transport, as this implies copying the entire 20GB
on every full.


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