On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 09:29:34AM +0000, Tyler J. Wagner wrote:
> Robin,
> Thank you for the awesome write-up.
> On Wed, 2010-11-24 at 18:11 -0800, Robin Lee Powell wrote:
> > 1.  Don't run a non-nightly job from the CmdQueue when there are
> > nightly job running, *EVER*.
> Unfortunately, that's already well-documented. NEVER, EVER call
> BackupPC_nightly while another is running. Let BackupPC's
> scheduler do its job.

Yeah, I didn't realize at first that that was what was causing it.

Regardless, though, if you're going to have the serverMesg call, and
scripts that make use of it, either the serverMesg call needs to
check that nightly is already running and bail, or (better, IMO) it
needs to restart nightly from the beginning.

If there wasn't a reason to start it from the beginning, I wouldn't
be asking.


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