Cyril Lavier wrote:

> Matthias Meyer wrote:
>> Cyril Lavier wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I need to backup some folders on a server, which are not static, and I
>>> usually generate the folder list using a command (find).
>>> On the documentation, I can't find anything on using a command to
>>> generate the folder list.
>>> I tried some things, like putting a command which edits the .pl file in
>>> $Conf{DumpPreUserCmd}, but it doesn't seems to work.
>>> If you have any idea, this could help me.
>>> Thanks.
>> What's about backing up the root folder and exclude folders which are
>> should not backed up?
>> If you use rsync you can also modify the rsyncd.conf on client-side (your
>> server) during $Conf{DumpPreUserCmd}.
>> rsyncd.conf:
>> [DynamicFolders]
>>  path = /whereverTheRoot
>>  exclude = *
>>  include = /whereverTheRoot/dynFolder1 /whereverTheRoot/dynFolder2 ...
>> br
>> Matthias
> Hi Matthias, that's a good idea.
> I was only thinking on rsync+ssh, and rsyncd also exists.
> For information, I tried to rsync the complete root folder. And it took
> hours only to generate the file list to transfer.
> This is why I had to use a find command to divide to file tree in
> smaller ones to be faster to backup.
> I will try your solution and reply to the list to inform about the
> results.
> Thanks.
Interesting Idea.
Changeing of rsyncd.conf will work definitly. I do that within
Windows/cygwin to map the share to a VSS mounted drive.

Can you explain your idea a little bit?
Did you backup all files but in another way as rsync did?
Why do you believe find is faster than rsync?

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