On Mon, Dec 06, 2010 at 03:48:04PM -0500, Jeffrey J. Kosowsky wrote:
> Robin Lee Powell wrote at about 10:37:52 -0800 on Monday, December 6, 2010:
>  > 
>  > So I'm writing a script to transfer a client from one host to
>  > another, using tarPCCopy, and I'm getting messages like this:
>  > 
>  >   Can't find 
> foo--tm50-e00145--tm50-s00339---shared/47/f%2f/fshared/ffoo/fpurchase_order_assets/fbatch_7813/f7105620_done.txt
>  in pool, will copy file
>  > 
>  > which is fascinating because the first column in ls -l is *3*. -_-
>  > 
>  > The tarPCCopy tar file therefore ends up becoming really large
>  > (hundreds of gibibytes) with files that already exist in the pool,
>  > presumably.
>  > 
>  > I've tried running md5sum on that file; can't find that in the pool.
>  > I've tried BackupPC_zcat | md5sum; can't find that in the pool.
> Well the 'md5sum' used in pool naming is only a partial file md5sum.
> I wrote (and posted) a routine to calculate and optionally test for
> existence of the md5sum pool name corresponding to any pc tree
> file. I will attach a copy to the end of this post.
>  > BackupPC_fixLinks, from the wiki, doesn't see the problem at all,
>  > which I'd *very* much like to fix.
> First check to make sure there really is a problem with the pool...
> Then, we need to figure out whether there is a problem with tarcopy or
> with my program BackupPC_fixLinks etc.

Before I go off testing that, I just want to mention that you're my
hero.  :D  Next to the actual authors of BackupPC, of course.

I've made so much use of your scripts it's not even funny; BackupPC
is great but it breaks down when you're trying to juggle super-large
clients (I have *one BackupPC client* with 2.3TiB in the pool)
around between various BackupPC hosts, and other crazy large-scale
crap.  Your scripts have been invaluable.


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