
I am getting the following errors, active directory.  I have tried
error level 1 and 9 but can not get any more information.

2010-12-08 11:41:09 full backup started for share tech
2010-12-08 11:47:10 unexpected repeated share name  skipped
2010-12-08 11:47:16 Backup aborted ()
2010-12-08 12:01:47 full backup started for share tech
2010-12-08 12:07:18 unexpected repeated share name  skipped
2010-12-08 12:07:26 Backup aborted ()
2010-12-08 14:32:16 full backup started for share tech
2010-12-08 14:36:54 unexpected repeated share name  skipped
2010-12-08 14:36:59 Backup aborted ()



Chris Robinson
W: http://business.krc.org.uk
E: busin...@krc.org.uk
T: 01708 701767
F: 020 7099 6814
M: 07887 98 33 55

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