On Wed, Dec 08, 2010 at 05:14:51PM +0000, Keith Edmunds wrote:
> I need to be able to stop backups running during the working day.
> I'm aware of BlackoutPeriods and, mostly, that manages to achieve
> what I need. However, there are times when, for whatever reason,
> backups overrun. What I want to do is have a cron job that can run
> at the start of the day and:
>  - list any running backups

sudo -u backuppc BackupPC_serverMesg status queues 

I also append: | sed 's/,/,\n/g' | less

>  - stop them

sudo -u backuppc BackupPC_serverMesg stop [hostname]

>  - notify by email of the actions taken


See /usr/local/bin/BackupPC, the Main_Check_Client_Messages
subroutine, for all the commands it'll take.


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