Tyler J. Wagner wrote:

> On Tue, 2010-12-14 at 04:02 +0100, Matthias Meyer wrote:
>> Hi,
>> After a system crash and restore the famous rrdtool graphic (a patch in
>> the debian package of BackupPC 3.1.0) didn't be shown in an actual
>> version. It seems that the graphic from before the crash will be shown.
>> The /var/lib/backuppc/log/pool.rrd as well as /var/log/backuppc/pool.rrd
>> seems to be updated every night.
>> ~#ls -dl /var/lib/backuppc /var/lib/backuppc/log
>> /var/lib/backuppc/log/pool.rrd /var/log/backuppc/
>> /var/log/backuppc/pool.rrd
>> drwxr-xr-x 9 backuppc backuppc  4096 11. Dez 14:55 /var/lib/backuppc
>> drwxr-x--- 2 backuppc backuppc  4096 13. Dez 21:53 /var/lib/backuppc/log
>> -rw-r----- 1 backuppc backuppc 11744 13. Dez 02:57
>> /var/lib/backuppc/log/pool.rrd
>> drwxr-xr-x 2 backuppc backuppc  4096 14. Dez 03:00 /var/log/backuppc/
>> -rw-r----- 1 backuppc backuppc 11744 14. Dez 03:55
>> /var/log/backuppc/pool.rrd
>> Another rrdtool, running on my server within webmin, works right.
>> Therefore I assume that all necessary components are available/installed.
> Did your CPU architecture change (i386 to amd64) after the crash? If so:
> If not, use "rrdtool info /var/lib/backuppc/log/pool.rrd" to verify the
> file is good.
> Regards,
> Tyler
Thanks for the hint.
I don't know why but starting with the next day all working fine.
I didn't change anything.
Maybee it is possible that:
rrdtool runs only after a succcessfull run of BackupPC_nightly
BackupPC_nightly didn't run successfull some nights because of server
restarts or something like this.

Thanks nevertheless
Don't Panic

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