On 1/18/2011 10:40 AM, itismike wrote:
> @Les: The 'very wrong' syntax I posted is what was auto-generated when I 
> added my target directory ("/home/michael/") using the CGI. But if you're not 
> a fan of the web interface, these examples are taken directly from the 
> config.pl file:
> Examples:
> #    $Conf{BackupFilesOnly} = '/myFiles';
> #    $Conf{BackupFilesOnly} = ['/myFiles'];
> # same as first example
> All the CGI did was add some whitespace and enclose it in brackets:
> $Conf{BackupFilesOnly} = {
> '/home/michael/' =>  [
> ''
> ]
> };
> Now if the above code can't be interpreted correctly by BackupPC, then we may 
> have stumbled upon the root cause. But I don't think this is the problem or 
> others would be finding the same issue.

Braces aren't whitespace to perl...

In the first example, '/myFiles' is a scalar and the second is an array 
of one element which backuppc should interpret the same as {'*' => 
['/myFiles'] } (i.e apply it to all shares).

Your config of {'/home/michael/' => ['']} says apply the empty ('') file 
list to the '/home/michael/' share.  I'm not sure what you did in the 
GUI to get that setting but I doubt if it is what you meant.  Look at 
the 4th and 5th examples of the syntax in the docs where you see that 
the left side of the array of hashes is shown as the share name or '*' 
for all shares and the right side is the list of paths.

   Les Mikesell

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