> Thanks for the additional clarification!
> Now just to be extra certain, am I correct in my observation that while
Win7 add lots of junction points (which as we both agree are treated as
symbolic links), it does not add any hard links.

Yes, I'm not aware of *any* hard links used in any Windows OS (although
you *can*, none are set up by default.)

> So, if so, then there really shouldn't be any backup duplication problem
unless the *user* introduces his/her own new hard links either via data
or new program installs. But I also haven't seen many (if any) hard
links in typical commercial software.


> So, I am concluding that from a backup perspective I don't need to worry
about data duplication.

I'd say yes to this as well.

> On a side note, I *am* looking for a good way to cleanly list all the
junction points so that I can periodically catalog them for potential
future restore.
> Note I tried "dir /aL /s" but it doesn't give a very clean listing plus
it seems to itself get hung up on junction loops. So, is there any good
code (either cmd.exe, powershell, or cgywin) to find all junction points
and list them in a simple 2-column like list
> consisting of the "source" and the "target" (note standard cygwin 'find'
or 'ls' won't help since it doesn't distinguish between
> symlinks and junction points)

My first suggestion is what you've already tried:  "dir /aL"  The Windows
command shell behaves quite differently than POSIX, so (for example)
deleting a symlink to a directory in Windows actually deletes the
*contents* not the symlink itself.  (Instead, you use rmdir to delete the
symlink.  Yeesh.)

I'm not aware of a tool that gets past the looping issues, or even that
has better output than dir (this doesn't mean they don't exist.)

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