Michael Conner wrote at about 14:46:21 -0600 on Thursday, March 10, 2011:
 > That is good to know. Actually things are a little better than I thought, 
 > the spare machine is Dell Dimension 2400 with a Pentium 4, max 2 gb memory. 
 > So I guess I could slap a new bigger drive into it and use it. My basic plan 
 > is to get backups going to one machine and then dupe those to an NAS 
 > elsewhere in the building. While we have a small staff, our building is 
 > 62,000 sq ft with three floors, so I can get them physically separated even 
 > if not really off site. For the web server, we have a two drive raid set up 
 > with two spare drive bays. Besides backing up with BPC, I would also dupe 
 > the drive on a schedule and take off site.

Please DON'T TOP POST - it makes following a thread incredibly
difficult and is considered bad etiquette on many mailing lists,
including this one.

Keep in mind the point that Les made regarding backing up BackupPC
archives. Due to the hard link structure, the fastest way to back up
any reasonably large backup is at the partition level. This also makes
it hard to enlarge your archive space should you outgrow your
disk. One good solution is to use lvm since you can
enlarge/expand/move partitions across multiple disks. You can also use
lvm to create partition snapshots that can then be replicated as backups.

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