Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote:

> On 04/04 07:14 , Holger Parplies wrote:
>> in particular, they are compressed, so the end of the file is in my
>> experience usually a considerable amount behind the file currently
>> copying. This is also the reason you can't simply "switch off buffering"
>> for the log files (compression needs reasonably sized chunks to operate
>> on for efficient results). It might make sense to think about
>> (optionally) writing log files uncompressed and compressing them after
>> the backup has finished. Wanting to follow backup progress seems to be a
>> frequent enough requirement. Putting the log files on a disk separate
>> from the pool FS should probably be encouraged in this case ;-).
> These are all terribly good points.
> Perhaps the current file can simply be stored in memory and presented via
> the web interface? Is there a variable that already exists and can be read
> by the web interface to present the current file being copied?
Not realy, not yet. But it will counted during backup and BackupPC_dump get 
them at the end of an backup:
        my @results = $xfer->run();
        $tarErrs       += $results[0];
        $nFilesExist   += $results[1];
        $sizeExist     += $results[2];
        $sizeExistComp += $results[3];
        $nFilesTotal   += $results[4];
        $sizeTotal     += $results[5];

Furthermore BackupPC_dump use eventhandler like:
$SIG{TTIN} = \&catch_signal;

So it should be no problem to add an additional eventhandler
$SIG{IO} = \&write_status;

which than will collect the actual transfer rates and write them into a 
But maybee - it is possibly a problem to write in a file if the event occurs 
during writing in a file.

Any Ideas?

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