> Been running backuppc server for my linux domain servers for a couple
> years decided to add other workstations and platforms to the mix.
> Unfortunately I have little sucess getting it working on win7 boxes
> and xp using cygwin.

You might have to be more specific here, to get specific help, but on
Windows 7, you have a few issues to contend with:

1) Installing rsync
2) Dealing with open files (vshadow w/ external launch)
3) Opening the firewall

#2 is the trickiest part, because of the way vshadow works -- rsync must
be launched after the shadow copy is created, or it can't see the shadow

There are two reasonable solutions floating around, one's ssh-based, and
one's winexe-based.  Both are found on the wiki (one embedded, one

I prefer the winexe method because it avoids installation altogether,
although if your Windows boxes have sshd installed anyway, that may not be
an issue.

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