also sprach martin f krafft <> [2011.05.19.0925 +0200]:
> I have a few hosts that should only be backed up between 23:00 and
> 7:00, i.e. when the network is not used much. Hence, I set
> BlackoutPeriod
> However, all the PCs ended up being queued at 09:00 this morning,
> and their last backup was yesterday between 17:00 and 19:00 o'clock.
> It seems almost like BackupPC is just ignoring BlackoutPeriods, but
> I doubt that this is the case.

To answer my own question:

It is really such that BlackoutPeriods only work once and as long as
BlackoutGoodCnt pings succeed in succession. I was under the (false)
impression that this was some sort of internal blackout period, and
BlackoutPeriods would be custom and just work.

To get my desired behaviour, I set BlackoutGoodCnt to 0 globally and
deleted all global BlackoutPeriods.

Now, for each host that I do not want backed up during the day,
I add an appropriate BlackoutPeriod.

The only disadvantage is that if a host never comes online during
this period, it won't be backed up, but I can live with that.

It wouldn't hurt if BackupPC had some sort of
MaxAgeBeforeIgnoringBlackout setting to force-ensure some backups.

martin | |
"they that can give up essential liberty
 to obtain a little temporary safety
 deserve neither liberty nor safety."
                                                  -- benjamin franklin

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