Holger Parplies wrote at about 03:45:21 +0200 on Wednesday, June 8, 2011:
 > Hi,
 > Gene Cooper wrote on 2011-06-07 16:28:01 -0700 [[BackupPC-users] Restore 
 > Files Newer Than Date]:
 > > [...]
 > > I had a server fail today, but there was a full backup done last night. 
 > >  It's many gigabytes over a WAN connection.
 > > 
 > > I had a separate local-disk backup system, which I refer to as Level 1, 
 > > which I used to restore the server to 'the day before yesterday'.  But I 
 > > need to restore 'yesterday' from BackupPC over the WAN.
 > > [...]
 > > I can't help but think there is some clever command line that will do 
 > > this for me...
 > after writing a rather complicated reply I find myself wondering whether a
 > plain restore won't do just what you want, presuming the backup is configured
 > as an rsync(d) backup, which it almost certainly is. As you are using rsync 
 > as
 > the transfer method, you should be transferring only file deltas over the
 > WAN, though you'll probably be reading all files on both sides in the style 
 > of
 > a full backup.
 > Presuming that is, for some obscure reason, not the case, here are my 
 > original
 > thoughts:
 > If you've got enough space, you could do a local restore to a temporary
 > directory on the BackupPC server (or any other host on the BackupPC server's
 > local network) and then use rsync to transfer exactly the missing changes 
 > over
 > the WAN (remember the --delete options!). If you don't, you could restore 
 > only
 > the files changed after a certain time to a temporary directory on the 
 > BackupPC
 > server and then rsync that over (note that you won't be able to get rid of
 > files deleted yesterday, though, so you won't get *exactly* the state of the
 > last backup). That would be an invocation of BackupPC_tarCreate, piped into
 > tar with the '-N' option ('--newer=date'). If you don't have the disk space
 > even for that, you could play around with doing it on an sshfs mount of the
 > target host, though that will obviously lose any rsync savings for the files
 > you are restoring.
 > I don't know of any filter that would reduce a tar stream to only files newer
 > than a specific date (and remember, you want the deletions from yesterday,
 > too).
 > The first option [referring to the local restore + rsync] is both simpler and
 > less error-prone, so use that if [the plain restore doesn't do what you want
 > and] you have the space available. If you need help on the syntax of
 > BackupPC_tarCreate, feel free to ask.

If you don't care about deleted files, another option would be to use
the backuppc fuse filesystem that allows you to mount the pc tree with
appropriate ownership, permissions, and timestamps.. You could then
use 'find' to find any files created/modified after any given time.

If you want to catch deletions, you could string together the
appropriate *nix commands to compare the directory trees, though this
may be somewhat slow...

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