On 6/30/2011 9:09 AM, C. Ronoz wrote:
> I see how you use excludes to exclude back-ups of files with specific 
> extensions, but then how do I now exclude specific paths per host?
> I am planning to back-up about 15 Linux webservers with different roles. Some 
> host specific archives that take up much space, but do not require back-ups.
> e.g. 1 server hosts 50GB of downloads in /pub. Another server hosts 10GB of 
> internal downloads (installers, windows service packs) in 
> /sites/site/httpdocs/downloads.

If you control such things, it is much better to manage the sources and 
configurations of things that are installed on production servers with 
some sort of version control system instead of letting anything change 
that needs to be backed up on the server itself - other than perhaps 
upload areas and databases holding live data.  This becomes increasingly 
important as your services start to spread over load balanced farms.

> Does your set-up back up /proc as well? This seems to make doing a bare metal 
> recovery harder, or should I not strive for such a solution?

/proc appears like a mount point, so you can use the --one-file-system 
option with rsync and explicitly add only filesystems you want to back 
up.  If you do that you do have to be careful to track layout changes 
that might move things you want to a newly added filesystem, though.

   Les Mikesell

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