I just noticed one of my servers has not had a successful full backup
for over 60 days.  Incremental backups still succeed.

Full backups fail after 2-4 hours with:

  Got fatal error during xfer (Child exited prematurely)

Right now I've got a full backup running (according to the Web UI)
but if I look on the server, I can see the ssh process that is the
child of the BackupPC dump process is defunct:

ps shows:

backuppc  PID  PPID  0  Jun30  ?  00:00:03 [ssh] <defunct>

So I know this full backup will fail as well once BackupPC realizes
the child is dead.

BackupPC version 3.1.0 on CentOS 5.5 (64-bit)

I'm going to update to CentOS 5.6 and restart the full backup,
and put an strace on the ssh process...  trying to figure out
why it goes defunct.


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