On Wednesday 12 October 2011 21:48:45 rbastedo wrote:
> I've recently been given the task of setting up BackupPC to back up some of
> our servers running RHEL and PgSQL. Management wants me to back up data to
> an NFS where it can then be saved to tape via DPM for offsite storage.

There are three possibilities here I think:
 1. Use the nfs-share as the topdir for backuppc. This works, but saving this 
to tape is a) impractical and be will not help in any way for restore.
 2.1 Set backuppc up with a local topdir and use a tapearchive-"host" in 
backuppc to write out complete tars every night to the nfs-share before the 
remote tape-machine picks these to write the tape. Easy to set up, good for 
restore. And you only need the tapes in the case that backuppc fails.
 2.2 Set up backuppc on the remote-machine with the tape, let it get the data 
from the db over network and make it write the (additional) tapes locally.
 3. If you don't really need the built-in backups of backuppc and just want to 
collect full and/or incremental data to save to tape, use amanda...

In our business we are currently switching our (and our clients) backups from 
amanda to backuppc with less-then-daily write-out to nfs-/iscsi-shares or 

Have fun,


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