On 16.05.2012 22:52, John Hutchinson wrote:
> Is there any way to setup backuppc so that the pc and the pool directory 
> are encrypted so they can only be accessed by the web interface with a 
> valid user?

If you mean encryption: No, not really. You can encrypt the disk where
backuppc stores the data. But anything you do will be un-encrypted as
long as backuppc (and the webinterface via apache) is running.

If you mean authentication/authorization, yes thats one of the things
apache can do. And thats really what "access the web-interface with a
valid user" means. Note the the definition of a "valid user" is only
limited by what apache supports for this (which is quite a lot and
includes kerberos and ldap and such things). See the
apache-documentation for that.

Have fun,


PS: Is there a reason you didn't start your own thread? - Note that just
hitting "reply" and editing the subject does _not_ create a new thread,
your mail still contains headers in-reply-to: and references: and thus
is still belonging to a different thread...
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