On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 10:11 AM, Tony Molloy <tony.mol...@ul.ie> wrote:
> Incredible I am just doing the same thing myself. Installing
> BackupPC-3.2 on a CentOS-6.3 box replacing 3.1 on an old CentOS-5.8
> box and was just about to ask the same question.

OK, I didn't recall having any trouble with the RPM and the web
interface so I went through the motions on a clean machine and this is
all it takes:

#yum install backuppc
edit /etc/httpd/conf.d/BackupPC.conf
  change allow from to allow from All
Follow the directions at the top of the file and:
htpasswd -c /etc/BackupPC/apache.users yourusername

edit /etc/BackupPC/configure.pl
change $Conf{CgiAdminUsers} = ''; to $Conf{CgiAdminUsers} = 'yourusername';

#service backuppc restart
#service httpd restart

Log into http://server_IP/backuppc with a browser

Click edit hosts, add one, save.
Click host summary, click new host
Click edit config (upper one, in host section)
make the changes you want.
When you save, the /etc/BackupPC/pc directory is added with the per host config.

   Les Mikesell

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