On 11/20/2012 4:07 PM, John Rouillard wrote:
> You are assuming that [A-Za-z] is the same as [A-Ca-cD-Md-mN-Zn-z].
> You are correct AFAIK in the C locale. I don't feel comfortable making
> the same claim in any other locale. E.G. There could be a C caret
> after C and before D that is included in the exclude list [A-Z] but
> not in the other set.
> To work around that this should work:
>    # back up problem user and other misc directories (non-alphabetic first 
> char)
>       $Conf{BackupFilesExclude} = {
>         '/home1' => [ "+ /user/**", "- /[A-Ca-c]*/**",
>                "- /[D-Md-m]*/**", "- /[N-Zn-z]*/**", ],
>        };
> The reason I could exclude all alphabetics in my 4th host setup was
> because it only needed to back up exactly one directory. The other
> 'hosts' handled the backup of strange directories/files.
> I agree this method looks promising (except for the mixing of
> BackupFilesExclude and BackupFilesOnly).

You're right.  I wasn't considering possible characters existing between 
c and d.  And your suggesting appears to be a good work around.


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