I've written a little tool to help analyze BackupPC "scheduling" that I thought 
others might find useful.  It is meant to generate plots that can be viewed 
from the web, but it's just as easily used from the command line.


Over the past year+ that we've been using BackupPC at my company, we've 
struggled with getting all our machines backed up every 24 hours.  We have over 
60 Linux and Windows hosts, and over half of those are virtual machines all 
attached to a single EMC storage server, and a single full backup of all the 
hosts is at 2 TB of data after dedupe.

Because of the load backups create on our VMs, our default is to blackout 6 AM 
to 6 PM, and then allow only trivial machines to back up during the day.  We 
restrict the number of concurrent backups to 3, due to the serious load it 
creates on a VM host when more than one of its guests is being backed up at the 
same time.

This has caused a problem with getting backups of critical machines on a 
24-hour cycle.  In order to see how the backups are interacting, I wrote 
BackupPC-Visualize to create a broken-bar plot (a "timeline") indicating the 
time during which each backup ran over the last N days.  This aggregate view of 
the data quickly identified our problem machines.  (Our solution has been to 
use cron to force the full backups of problem machines to run on the weekend.  
A kludge, and I'd like to find a more elegant solution.)

bpcviz consists of a simple Perl script that gathers and massages the 
/var/lib/backuppc/pc/<host>/backups data, and a Ploticus plot script to convert 
the data to visual form.  I tried to use Gnuplot initially, but it won't do 
horizontal plots, and it handles multiple-interval time data very poorly (via a 

Let me know if you find it useful, and I'm open to considering feature 
requests... you can open an "issue" on Github tagged as "enhancement", or just 
drop me an email if Github is a barrier for you.

(I hope the author of BackupPC doesn't object to the name... it's the most 
obvious way to make it clear that this tool works with BackupPC.)

Carl D Cravens (ccrav...@excelii.com), Ext 228 (620.327.1228)
Lead System Architect

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