> On 01/03/13 09:42, upen wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 3:39 PM, Adam Goryachev
>> <a...@websitemanagers.com.au> wrote:
>>> Quick reply, it needs the path to at on the windows machine, not the
>>> Linux machine.
>> wow, all this time I thought this was linux side. Thanks!!
>> When I do which at on windows, I see , /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/at .
>> Is that correct path?
> Sorry, I replied before quickly from my mobile...
> It could also be C:\Windows\system32\at depending on whether it runs
> from a cygwin shell, or runs from a windows command prompt.
> A little trial and error might be needed, or careful examination of the
> logs.
> Basically the linux machine runs a command on windows, which doesn't
> have permission to take the snapshot, so it creates a task to run
> shortly (using at) which will setup the vss/snapshot.
> Hope this helps....
> Regards,
> Adam
> --
> Adam Goryachev
> Website Managers
> www.websitemanagers.com.au

Sorry, that's not correct; for the winexe solution, it doesn't use "at"
nor does it need to work around permissions on the Windows side.

Instead, at is used in the script to prevent winexe from hanging
indefinitely.  The pipe to "at now" on the *nix side is what's throwing
the path error.

This can be corrected by updating the path in the script, or using the
full path to at.

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