Hi Mark,

On 3/1/13 10:37 PM, Mark Campbell wrote:

> Question, taking your model here, and applying it to my situation,
> how well would this work:
> BackupPC server, with a RAID1 zpool, with the third member being my
> external fireproof drive.  Rather than the rotation you described,
> just leave it as is as it does its daily routine.  Then, should the
> day come where I need to grab the drive and go, plugging the drive
> into a system with ZFSonLinux & BackupPC installed, could I mount
> this drive by itself?

Yes, this is no different, really. It would work very well. Just keep it
in sync, and all should be fine. You can just pull out any drive at
will, without causing any filesystem corruption. The fireproof drive can
be inserted in a different computer with ZFS support and you can run
"zpool import" and then you can mount the filesystem.

You shouldn't use USB for your external drive, though. E-SATA, Firewire
or Thunnderbolt is fine.

> I really like your idea of zfs send/receive for the remote copy. Do
> you have any tips/pointers/docs on the best way to run it in this
> scenario?

I don't mean to say RTFM, but the top results of a Google search are as
good a starting point as any:

I think this article is quite good:

If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask. :)

Best regards,
Lars Tobias

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