On 3/20/2013 9:12 PM, Holger Parplies wrote:
> Hi,
> I've had that happen (except that I noticed before a drive broke) at least
> once, and I remember that Les has also. From what I remember of his
> explanation (please correct me if I'm wrong), two physical disks concurrently
> positioning their heads can disturb each other (through vibration) in such a
> way that one of them returns a read or write error and is kicked out of the
> array without the drive actually being in any way defective. I *would*
> consider this a shortcoming of Linux software RAID-1.
> As Adam wrote, you can easily monitor that. It still is a nuisance, though.

That's very odd, but a possiblity. My thought was that the mdadm.conf 
was rebuilt when the Promise array was brought online, and the previous 
admin simply omitted the old RAID confs for sda and sdb. From that point 
on, sda booted as a normal drive rather than a RAID member and no one 
was the wiser.

As an aside, i've seen drives in other backuppc / software RAID 
instances fail for no good reason, to the point that they pass long 
smartctl test, yet mdadm is still convinced that the drive is bad. 
Perhaps the vibration issue you've described was the culprit then?
> Do the *hosts* show up in the web interface? If not, look at your hosts file
> (/etc/BackupPC/hosts or something like that). If so, it could be
They do now. One of the first things I did was to rebuild the hosts file 
based on the information in /backup/pc.

> That should be unnecessary as long as BackupPC is not running. Err, does the
> web interface work without a running BackupPC daemon?

No, backuppc doesn't work without the daemon running. The web interface 
makes troubleshooting at little easier for me, especially since I have a 
number of hosts to verify. I can change the config files from terminal, 
but the web just makes it far prettier / simpler.
> Yes. As Jeffrey wrote, there should be a file "backupInfo" in the directory
> which should contain the information you need (including the correct backup
> number).
> Hope that helps.
It does, thank you.

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