> Hi all,
> I just installed a new 1TB drive and partitioned it into 2 500GB
> partitions. I have a Debian Wheezy system. One of the partitions is
> mounted /media/backuppc. This partition contains a directory /backuppc
> The program resides on another disk drive along with the OS. I pointed
> backuppc's  TopDir to /media/backuppc/backuppc. Upon boot, BackupPC
> doesn't start and puts entries in the /var/log/backuppc of:
>      /bin/df: " /var/lib/backuppc": No such file or directory (Well yes,
> I removed it So why is it still around?)
>      /bin/dif: no file systems processed.
> It would appear that the hard disk is not mounted before backuppc runs
> df. Since all of the disks  (including the boot disk) are started by
> fstab, this doesn't make sense. Also where did /var/lib/backuppc come
> from. This was the old setup.
> Please help
> Gary R

We'll start with the fact that you can't just change TopDir and expect
everything to work (it won't, see the archives for details) -- but you can
put it back the way it was and create a symbolic link from
/var/lib/backuppc to wherever you want the files to be.

Given that, you're unlikely to be correct about BackupPC being started
before your hard drive is mounted, especially since the error is pretty
clear about where it's looking for the directory.

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