I hope this doesn't confuse more than help but I had a problem with the "=>" share notation using rsyncd. The system ignored my exclusions. The instructions say that this happens only if you are using smb (as I remember) but not other transfer protocols. I switched to a streight comma delimited list for the include files and cleared the problem. Unless you have Windoz machines I don't think the share notation is needed.

Gary R

On 06/07/2013 01:41 PM, Kameleon wrote:
Here is the entry in config.pl <http://config.pl> after adding it to the web interface. Is this correct?

$Conf{BackupFilesExclude} = {
  '*' => [

On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 3:38 PM, Kameleon <kameleo...@gmail.com <mailto:kameleo...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Sorry I didn't mention the xfer method. All servers use rsync over
    ssh. I plan to try the above this weekend with the full runs.

    On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 1:24 PM, Holger Parplies <wb...@parplies.de
    <mailto:wb...@parplies.de>> wrote:


        Michael Stowe wrote on 2013-05-31 08:21:03 -0500 [Re:
        [BackupPC-users] Exclude directories]:
        > > On each of our samba servers inside of each share is a
        .deleted folder
        > > that
        > > all of the files that a user deletes from the share within
        windows goes to
        > > instead of actually being deleted immediately. I do not
        want to back these
        > > up but they are not all in the same path on all the
        servers. What is the
        > > correct syntax to exclude these from the backups? Should
        */.deleted work?
        > > Or will I need to explicitly declare all the paths?
        > $Conf{BackupFilesExclude} = {
        >   '*' => [
        >     '*/.deleted'
        >     '*/.deleted/*'
        >   ]
        > };

        strictly, this depends on the XferMethod (which the OP did not
        mention), but
        the above looks as though it should mostly work. For rsync(d),
        the '*/' in the
        patterns is meaningless except for preventing '.deleted' at
        the top level
        within the share to match. Probably the same holds for tar,
        but I didn't
        check. As for smb, there always seems to be confusion whether
        need to contain slashes or backslashes. My memory seems to say
        but I haven't ever used smb XferMethod myself.

        In any case, it should be possible to use wildcards and *not*
        list all paths.
        Again, the syntax of in-/excludes depends on the XferMethod used.


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