I thought I would give an update to this old thread.  To those unfamiliar with 
this thread, basically, I was looking for a way to do backuppc data 
synchronization, and we brainstormed a way using the ZFS file system (as it has 
an rsync-like ability (sending only changes), but at the filesystem/block level 
(like dd), rather than the file level of rsync, so the problems that plague 
trying to rsync a BackupPC pool shouldn't affect ZFS send/receive).  Then that 
topic expanded into using ZFS with deduplication (which is block based, to 
compliment the dedup of BackupPC's pools, which is file based) to further cut 
down on disk usage.  It is on that subject that I wanted to report my findings.

A spare Supermicro server was recently acquired that had an Opteron quad core, 
16GB of RAM, and a RAID-5 array with 4 250GB drives, giving it a 750GB array 
(25% less than my production system, but good for an experimental setup).  So I 
decided to try and use it as an experimental ZFS/BackupPC box.  I started by 
loading CentOS 6.4 on it, installed ZFSOnLinux (I know, experimental, but 
that's exactly what this is), and installed BackupPC.  I created a single disk 
ZFS pool from a partition of the array in the same location relative to / as it 
is on my production BackupPC box & enabled both dedup & compression.  I then 
copied over /etc/BackupPC from production to my test box, and modified the 
server config to not do any compression ($Conf{CompressLevel}=0)--not doing 
this completely negated dedup's abilities.  Once I created the basic BackupPC 
pool structure on the ZFS pool, I started the BackupPC service, and let her go 
for several days (but monitored her), accumulating the same backups
  that my production box does.

It should be noted that this box needed ALL 16GB of RAM for the dedup feature, 
but it never crashed, or even used swap significantly, and performance remained 
reasonable.  Over the course of 7 days, this box has been extremely successful 
in its dedup & compression features.  At 25% smaller total disk space, I'm 
currently at 2.17x Dedup rate (really good!), and it is storing nearly as many 
backups as production is, with more space free!

I have not yet had a second box to play with to do ZFS transfers, but when I 
do, I will report on that too.



-----Original Message-----
From: Tyler J. Wagner [mailto:ty...@tolaris.com] 
Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2013 10:14 AM
To: General list for user discussion, questions and support
Cc: Mark Campbell
Subject: Re: [BackupPC-users] BackupPC Pool synchronization?

On 2013-03-07 14:34, Mark Campbell wrote:
> My thinking at this point is that I'll leave the pooling be--it may 
> require some extra CPU cycles & RAM from time to time, but my 
> understanding of the zfs dedup & compress features are that they 
> should be transparent to BackupPC, so while pooling in BackupPC won't 
> avail much, it probably wouldn't hurt anything either.

Except that it's the pooling (hardlinking) that makes pool synchronization suck 
so badly. Although perhaps ZFS mirror might make that better, I'd much rather 
disable pooling entirely (disable the linking process), and then just use rsync 
to sync the backuppc/pc tree between primary and secondary hosts.


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