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La fe es cuando se cree en algo que uno sabe que no puede ser verdadero

2013/9/19 Brad Alexander <stor...@gmail.com>

> I am looking at backup solutions for my job. One of the things that the
> windows admins want is the ability to back up their HyperV machines and
> back up all of the virtual machines' VHD files, but the caveat is that the
> backup application would have to leverage VSS. We are currently backing up
> both Linux and Windows machines, but with the windows machines, we are
> backing up just the files, and they cannot recreate a windows machine by
> backing up all of the files on a machine.
> We are currently backing up with bacula, but they cannot use VSS in this
> manner. Since they recently dropped support for Windows, we are looking for
> an alternative.
> Can backuppc use VSS to back up live VMs on HyperV? Is this something that
> is in the cards?
> So far, I have only found zmanda that can do this, though I am still
> researching this capability.
> thanks,
> --b
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