
Phil Reynolds wrote on 2013-10-19 05:45:51 +0100 [Re: [BackupPC-users] 
Parameter for incremental backups on localhost using tarCreate.sh script]:
> On Sat, 19 Oct 2013 01:11:35 +0200
> Holger Parplies <wb...@parplies.de> wrote:
> > [...]
> > I don't really understand the need of a shell script, though.
> > What, exactly, was the point? It appears tarCreate.sh is adding a
> > '-c' option. Your sudo rule can enforce that just as well (and in a
> > way less prone to creating security holes).
> > 
> > backuppc ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/tar -c *
> Hmmm... I'd not thought of that as an option - the documentation I read
> claimed the script was better than merely allowing tar, which it is...
> but my limited experience of sudo meant I wasn't aware of the
> possibility you mention.

re-reading this I feel my suggestion was a bit ambiguous. Just to be clear:
sudo *doesn't add* options to commands it executes, it ensures that the rule
only applies if the options are already there. With the above rule, the
following will ("OK")/will not ("XX") work:

        OK> sudo tar -c -v -f /tmp/foo.tar /bar
        XX> sudo tar cvf /tmp/foo.tar /bar
        XX> sudo tar -v -f /tmp/foo.tar /bar
        XX> sudo tar -v -c -f /tmp/foo.tar /bar
        XX> sudo tar -cvf /tmp/foo.tar /bar

The second line will fail, because sudo doesn't know that 'c' and '-c' mean
the same to tar. The third, fourth and fifth will fail because the first
argument to tar is not '-c'. Again, sudo doesn't know that '-v -c', '-c -v'
and '-cv' are all equivalent for tar (there could be commands where that's
not the case).
Additionally, the third line wouldn't give a valid tar command line (no
function selected). For all the failing lines, sudo would ask for a password
and then deny access (unless granted by another line in /etc/sudoers).

To sum it up, what you put in /etc/sudoers doesn't *change* what you need to
put in your BackupPC configuration but rather tries to *match* it as closely
as possible and meaningful ('-c' and '-f -' are important, because they
prevent writing to the target system; '-v' and '-C /' don't make any
difference, because they don't limit a potential attacker in what he is able
to do).

So, presuming you have

        $Conf{TarClientCmd} = 'sudo $tarPath -c -v -f - -C / --totals';

I'd recommend

        backuppc ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/tar -c -v -f - *

in /etc/sudoers.

> Planning to see what rsync is like as a method once I've perfected tar
> - then I'll go with whichever seems to cause me least bother.

It shouldn't be much difference.

        $Conf{RsyncClientCmd} = 'sudo $rsyncPath $argList';

        backuppc ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/rsync --server --sender *

(you can add more arguments to that, but I don't think it will improve
security unless you can include the paths you are backing up, and they're at
the end, behind the ex-/includes ...).

As Les has already said, you should note, though, that rsync does more exact
incremental backups. tar might cause you bother when you're not expecting it -
when you need to restore something and don't get an exact snapshot of the
system at the time the backup was taken.


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