My server crashed due to hard disk errors. While the disk is still partially 
readable when mounted in a docking station, it is no longer usable. The problem 
is when I try and reinstall Ubuntu Server 12.04 onto a new disk and then 
restore backups of data and some configuration files via BackupPC I have 
discovered that the numeric ownerships no longer match thus generating access 
issues galore.This problem may be due to the fact that the server was initially 
8.04, then upgraded to 10.4 and finally 12.4; the new server was a fresh 
install with users and groups being created in a different order and 
metapackages being installed in a different order, thus generating different 
numeric IDs.While I don't have a complete backup of the system disk, I do have 
/etc and /home on the backup and access to much of the old system when the bad 
disk is mounted in a docking station.Any suggestions for how to get the server 
up and running quickly and recover files properly?TIA,Dave                      
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