Hello everyone,

On a new install of BackupPC v4 alpha3, I have zip/tar archive file empty when i try to restore a directory or many files from the BackupPC GUI.
(Full Backup or Inc Backup)

My tests:
1*/ The command line works and i have all my files (for example) :
/usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_zipCreate -h localhost -c 5 -n -1 -s /etc . > etc.zip

2*/ A direct restore with Rsync share works for all (many files / directories) and also when i select juste one file from BackupPC GUI "backup browse".

3*/ If i change the stderr --> 0 from the file lib/BackupPC/CGI/Restore.pm :

                 "-h", $host,
                 "-n", $num,
                 "-c", $In{compressLevel},
                 "-s", $share,
                 "-e", $In{codePage},
            sub { print(@_); },
*1*, # ignore stderr

I get this error in my zip file downloaded :
"Insecure dependency in open while running setuid at /usr/share/backuppc/lib/BackupPC/Storage/Text.pm line 74."

// Any ideas would be very helpful :o))


My setup :
    * new install of backuppc v4.alpha3
    * a new pool v4, no compression
    * Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
    * Perl v5.14.2

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