On 5/5/2014 5:53 PM, Carlos Galeano wrote:
> okay, I'll explain to make sense.
> I need to store a copy of the backup off the server, and if this is a large
> file is difficult to do, that's why I need to split the tar file into
> multiple files.
> the problem is if I need to restore some files from this backup, reattach
> the parts can be a time-consuming task.
> The one tar file can be up to 50GB, split into 5Gb each part
> Restoring a file from the web works if the backup still exists on the
> server, but for space, I delete the backups over 60 days old.
> So my question is, can i restore files from tar files without joining them
> again?

What I and at least a few others here do for offsite backups is to use a 
raid 1 mirror to duplicate the disk containing the BackupPC data directory.

I have a 3-way mirror with one of the elements being a hot-swap drive 
enclosure.  Once a month, I pull the drive, send it offsite, and replace 
it with another drive (new or rotated back from offsite).  The third 
drive allows me to maintain redundancy while swapping and re-syncing the 
removable drive.  If I need to restore something from one of those 
backups, I just retrieve the drive and temporarily replace the current 
drives for log enough to do the restore.

Actually, I have the OS and all the data on a single mirrored set of 
drives, so when I retrieve the old drive, I can just boot it up and I 
have the full backup server ready to go with all of the old backups 

Don't know if this is workable for you, but it is another option to get 
offsite archival backups.

If you do it this way, just make sure not to let it start any backups 
while you are doing the restore.


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