Needles to say, I set log level with value 3.


On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 9:46 AM, John Smith <> wrote:

> Helo Holger,
> thanks for your reply.
> I set up excludes properly and the full backup was done without any
> problems related to exiting. Was it really because wrong excludes?
> Now in the error logs are only records like this:
> var/spool/anacron/cron.monthly got digests
> ee5aa84329e041bb244c16624279d128 vs ee5aa84329e041bb244c16624279d128
> [ skipped 1 lines ]
> var/spool/anacron/cron.weekly got digests ab5963f3bc0ab07d96d0c05a46c8073c
> vs ab5963f3bc0ab07d96d0c05a46c8073c
> Thanks.
> Best,
> John
> On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 9:51 PM, Holger Parplies <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Pavel Smejkal wrote on 2014-06-24 18:49:19 +0200 [[BackupPC-users]
>> backuppc + cubox]:
>> > [...] after a some time process
>> > BackupPC_Dump was utilizing cpu by 100% but there is no data traffic
>> > between host->backuppc server. Im running backuppc 3.3.0 on arch arm
>> linux,
>> > device is cubox pro 1.
>> I'm not sure about that ... BackupPC_Dump might be busy trying to compress
>> /dev/mem or something like that.
>> > [...]
>> > In the config i set the Exludes on /proc and so on
>> Not really.
>> > but in the Log file i have records :
>> >
>> > Remote[1]: rsync: readlink_stat("/run/user/1000/gvfs") failed:
>> Permission
>> > denied (13)
>> > Remote[2]: file has vanished: "/proc/2/exe"
>> > Remote[2]: file has vanished: "/proc/2/task/2/exe"
>> > Remote[2]: file has vanished: "/proc/3/exe"
>> > Any idea?
>> Yes, your excludes are incorrect:
>> > $Conf{BackupFilesExclude} = {
>> >   'media' => [
>> >     '/mnt',
>> >     '/media'
>> >   ],
>> >   'proc' => [
>> >     '/proc',
>> >     '/run',
>> >     '/sys'
>> >   ]
>> > };
>> For share 'media' (which likely doesn't exist), you're excluding the files
>> 'media/mnt' and 'media/media' (supposing concatenating share name and file
>> name makes sense for your transfer method), and for share 'proc' it's
>> 'proc/proc', 'proc/run' and 'proc/sys'. What are your share names? You
>> want to
>> set up valid excludes, meaning the key must match a share name *exactly*
>> (including case, even if for your transfer method share names would be
>> case
>> insensitive).
>> It could be argued that BackupPC should warn for In/Excludes with
>> non-existant
>> share names, but then you'd get bogus warnings for global In/Excludes in
>> on hosts which don't have corresponding shares. Ultimately,
>> you have
>> to get your configuration right, and no computer program can verify if you
>> really set up what you meant to set up.
>> That the wording of the web GUI pages regarding In/Excludes is not
>> optimal in
>> some versions of BackupPC is, on the other hand, something we all seem to
>> agree on. If it hasn't been corrected yet, I propose clearly naming the
>> 'key'
>> value 'share name', because that's what it is, and the "* for default"
>> notion
>> even fits that description.
>> I'll guess. You're using tar or rsync, possibly over ssh, and your share
>> name
>> is '/'. Then you'd want:
>> $Conf {BackupFilesExclude} = {
>>   '/' => [
>>     '/proc',
>>     '/run',
>>     '/sys',
>>     '/mnt',
>>     '/media'
>>   ]
>> };
>> If you want your exclude to apply to *all* shares *that don't have an
>> individual entry*, you can use a '*' as the key in $Conf
>> {BackupFilesExclude},
>> but that has limited value for the values above (you're unlikely to have
>> proc
>> file systems mounted all over the place) and would be more suited if you,
>> for
>> instance, wanted to exclude '*.o', '*~', 'tmp/' from all your backups (but
>> you'd have to check the exact syntax for your transfer method).
>> Whether or not correct excludes fix your problem remains to be seen, but
>> I'd
>> start with that, because you need to fix it anyway, and because we could
>> then
>> rule that out as a cause of your problems. If your problem persists, we'd
>> need
>> more information on your setup (XferMethod, commands used, size of backup
>> set,
>> pool size, pool FS type ...).
>> Hope that helps.
>> Regards,
>> Holger
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