On 07/07 01:18 , yashiahru wrote:
> 2) Delete backup manually follow this guide: 
> http://blackbird.si/deleting-backup-from-backuppc-manually/
> Problem unsolved

This does not give sufficient detail as to what you *actually* did or may
have missed.

Are you sure you deleted the pc whos backups were taking a substantial chunk
of the space?

In cases like this, I'll often use a plain 'df' while the delete is in
progress to watch the space increase. It is not a speedy process.

I presume you are aware that BackupPC pools files between hosts, so if
multiple hosts had copies of the same files, deleting one host will not
cause all the files to be deleted.

There is also a 'Trash' directory in the BackupPC tree, but memory fails as
to exactly how it is used. Your 'deleted' files may be in there waiting to
be final-deleted.

Carl Soderstrom
Systems Administrator
Real-Time Enterprises

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