On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 12:18 PM, Andreas Schnederle-Wagner -
Futureweb.at <schnede...@futureweb.at> wrote:
>> Andreas Schnederle-Wagner - Futureweb.at wrote at about 15:41:11 +0000 on 
>> Thursday, August 28, 2014:
>>  > The Reason we did this ist o avoid custom Config Files for each Host.
>>  > We only need to create the Host with name 'ctDIR8' and everything works 
>> like a charm ... so only the"hosts" file needs tob e changed when 
>> adding/removing Hosts ...
>>  >
>> You do not need custom Config Files for each host. You could put Perl code 
>> in config.pl if you want... and putting custom code in a config file is IMHO 
>> a much better option than patching a perl module.
> But as far as I see I cannot access the $HOST Variable within config.pl to be 
> used in RsyncShareName - or do I overlook something?
> $Conf{RsyncShareName} = [
>   '/tmp'                                //this should be $HOST 
> (Case-Sensitive)
> ];

Aren't $client and $host set by the time you need them (as documented
to be used in $Conf(RsyncArgs}, $conf{DumpPreUserCmd}, etc.)?

   Les Mikesell

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