On 29/08/14 01:36, Carl Cravens wrote:
> I can't complete all the backups in a day with a maxbackups of 1.  It's 
> unreasonable to micromanage the blackout periods for 70+ hosts to keep 
> certain ones from overlapping.
> I've coped with the problem, but it's something that an 
> only-one-host-at-a-time-from-this-group feature would make a lot easier to 
> deal with.

This has come up a few times, and I've just had a thought (a dangerous 
prospect) but in combination with the other thread about variables in 
config files, it might work.

Can the perl code embedded in the host config files create (read and 
modify) a global variable which will be available to another hosts 
config file.

In other words, something like this in both of host1 and host2 to make 
sure that these two don't run at the same time:
if(++$myGroup > 1)
      exit 1;

Failing that, I suppose you would need to resort to reading/writing the 
value into a file, which could be as simple as (in sh script because I 
can't be bothered to get correct syntax for perl):
if [ -f /somedir/myGroup ]
     exit 1
     echo $pid >> /somedir/myGroup
    # Could ensure that the entire content of myGroup is the pid (ie, 
another host didn't add it's pid in a race condition)

Also need to ensure that exit 1 is even a valid method to say don't 
backup now, another option might be to set the pingcmd to /bin/false or 


> On 08/28/2014 09:45 AM, Les Mikesell wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 8:11 AM, Carl Cravens <ccrav...@excelii.com> wrote:
>>> This is a feature I've wanted as well.  I have virtual machines running on 
>>> multiple hypervisors, and I'd prefer to only run one backup per hypervisor 
>>> at a time.  If I could do that, I could get away with backups during the 
>>> day... but if I back up the main file server and the groupware server at 
>>> the same time, tech support starts getting calls about things being slow.
>> Have you tried taking MaxBackups down to 1 to see if backups will
>> still complete in the available time?   Or skewing the blackout
>> periods for the host and guest systems?

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